Aspen is the youngest of 4 and quickly assumed her role as the "baby" of the family with her sweet and easy-going personality, and affinity to be the center of attention. She was instantly adored by her siblings, and mirrored everything she saw them do, meeting all milestones in her first year of life, way ahead of schedule! But at the age of one, Aspen fell ill and left the doctors searching for answers.
After a particularly bad couple of weeks, Aspen stopped eating, became extremely lethargic, and refused to stand or walk. Aspen's parents took her to the hospital where she was found to have a hemoglobin level of 2.2. She was immediately sent to intensive care and began the process of getting her healthy enough to start treating the cancer. Aspen was subsequently diagnosed 4 days later with Pre-B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Aspen has good days, bad days, and long stretches of both, but she continuously demonstrates true courage and bravery. Although she is missing out on some of her childhood, Aspen and her family are thankful that she is responding well to treatments and looking forward to spending each and every day watching her grow and smile.